Learning the art of saying “NO” and its impact on your life

No-a two-letter word, very easy to pronounce but ironically very hard to say. Why is it that this very short word seems difficult to learn?

This is true for people who choose to please others more than themselves. Who opt to suffer alone than seeing other people hurt.

It’s okay to think of others but it is most important to think first of yourself. Sometimes saying no is necessary for your own welfare. It’s okay to say no to your friends, your parents, your husband, and your wife. If it makes you uncomfortable, say No. If it can harm you, say No. If it’s against your beliefs and morals, say No.

Its time to say No to other people and say YES to yourself. You need it too. You need to think about yourself after years of selflessly thinking of other people.

When you finally learn to say no, it would help you to be a better person who knows his/her priorities. It will allow you to learn more about yourself. What is it that you want and doesn’t want. It will help you appreciate and love yourself more. Moreover, people would not take advantage of you and respect you.

But sometimes it easier said than done right? I know you don’t need to rush things. Take it one step at a time. It’s not easy to break your habit of YES but if you are determined you can achieve anything.

You might ask, how and when do I start?

Begin by knowing yourself better. Once you knew yourself, you can determine what it is you really want. You can set up your priorities and stop wasting time on things irrelevant to you.

Stop pleasing other people. You live alone and you will die alone. You don’t need to please everybody. Their opinion of you does not really matter. As long as you are doing the right thing. As long as you are happy, that’s all that matters.

Be firm. Do not falter. Do not give in. But remember to gently refuse. You can say no without being rude. If they are true to you, they would understand and accept your decision.

Life is a series of storms. You need to look after yourself first before others. It is not being greedy. It’s about loving and taking care of yourself because if you won’t no one will do. Love yourself and others will love you. Respect yourself and you will find other people respecting you. Life is short to worry about being judged or ostracized by others.